小布什“None of us are as clever as all of us. At the beginning of my career, I thought it was my job to make all the decisions. I learned over time my job is to inspire people, create the work environment culture and give them room to do their jobs. It’s important to hire people who are smarter than you because they make your team stronger. We all learn from each other, and we all bring different strengths to the table. When we put all those together, we can accomplish much more。”
The job, the life, it wasn’t what de Baubigny wanted to do. So she thought about what she had loved the most。
Baubigny quit her job to work in executive search. “I had this gut feeling that this was the direction that I wanted to take my career,” she wrote. “It was terrifying and risky. Looking back at it, it was a great choice that defined my career and my life。”
卡扎菲“When I was 22, I hated it when people said, ‘You need more experience for this role’, But now I realised they were right... I needed more experience to make good decisions。” Shaw offered five things he he’d now tell his younger self. Among them:
默克尔 奥巴马 克林顿 萨达姆“上大学时,我是典型的优等生。”她写道,“我喜欢那时的每分每秒,那时最有意义的是,我一直在创造机会,并把机会介绍给他人。”
Imagine for a moment you could go back in time. Knowing what you know now about work and life, what would you tell your 22-year-old self? LinkedIn Influencers weighed in on this idea in the last two weeks, writing about what they’d tell their younger selves Here’s what two of them had to say。
伊丽莎白二世 本拉登随得拜尔尼辞掉自己工作之后,到高级人才中介工作。“我的直觉告诉我说这是我最喜欢的职业方向。”她写道,“这个工作让人害怕,也很冒险。但是现在回头去看,对于我的职业生涯和生活来说,那是个最佳选择。”
尼克松“At the age of 22, I had just graduated from college in the United Kingdom and I was beginning my career at a Fortune 50 company. I had everything that I could ever want: I was on a track toward leadership at the company, I had just bought a new car, I was earning money and my parents were proud. But surprise, I hated it。”
Juliet de Baubigny, partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufied & Byers
“While at university, I was the type-A student。” she wrote. “I loved every minute of it. The best part about it was that I was creating opportunity and connecting people to opportunity。”
“Being qualified is good, but it doesn’t entitle you to success. I have met many people who believe their qualifications mean the world owes them a living. Well, it doesn’t. Many clever people fail because they choose not to work hard. In my experience, employers want people who do things, not talk about doing things,” he wrote. “A key ability is to apply your intelligence to implement things。”
“At 22, you have very little to lose… so what was the worst that could happen?” she asked. “At any age, any new opportunity can be scary. But what I would have told myself at that age is that it only gets worse as you get older and you have more responsibilities. If you want to take that risky job, if you want to learn something or if you want to take that leap of faith and start a company — now is the time to do it。”
Colin Shaw, chief executive officer
“Body language speaks volumes. What you say with your body language is what people often hear first. The self-awareness of one’s body language in social situations can make a huge difference ” he wrote. “Make sure you know what yours is saying。”
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