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  I work for a big public sector corporation. Recently, a kind and much more senior colleague told me I would never be promoted because I am "too bold to make it to the top". He was adamant that only the "quiet mice" who never enter a single battle can navigate their way into the higher echelons of power. He would know — he has been working there for 35 years。


  Does my "boldness" really spell "trouble" more than "potential"? It would be nice to know if I should be abandoning ship right now before I sink any deeper into this swamp that is a public sector organisation。


  Lucy's answer


  If I were you, I'd ask that kind and much more senior colleague to explain himself. What did he mean by "too bold"?


  There's good bold and there's bad bold. Good bold is the sort of thing Steve Jobs had in spades — an unshakeable determination to do something differently and a refusal to settle with any compromises along the way. Bad bold is much more common: it's when you're too loud, brash and the source of endless bad ideas。

  大胆有好的,也有不好的。好的大胆无疑是史蒂夫?乔布斯(Steve Jobs)那种的大胆,那是一种无法动摇的决心,要做出一些与众不同的事情,而且在此过程中拒绝达成任何妥协。不好的大胆则更为普遍:太过招摇、轻率、头脑里有无数糟糕想法。

  I have a nasty feeling your colleague meant bad bold. If you were really bold in the way that Jobs was, I can't imagine what terrible series of disastrous career choices could ever have led you to the public sector in the first place. But if I'm wrong and you are really good bold you must get out now and start your own company in your garage and put that boldness to better use。


  If you are bad bold, as I suspect, you need to try to find a way of being less so。

  This is more important than seeking a transfer to the private sector, where the bad-bold are not especially valued either. Ask yourself what you are doing in the public sector. Are you there because, like quite a lot of public sector workers, you really care about the service that is being provided? If so, that is the best reason for being in any job, and I suggest you cling on for dear life. Or is it because of the fixed hours and relative job security? That's not a bad reason to stay either。


  I'd also like to take issue with your grey-bearded friend in dividing the workforce into the bold and the quiet mice. This seems like a pretty unhelpful division, as every employee in almost every organisation needs to be both。


  Everyone needs to know when to shut up and agree, and when to speak out. If what you are saying is that everyone at your workplace is so downtrodden that no one ever expresses any views on anything, that is bad — although if that were so, I wonder why has it taken you until now to notice?


  If you are happy with your job in other ways, I would go straight back to your mentor for some advice on how to be better at expressing your views without rubbing everyone up the wrong way。


  Your advice


  Move on


  I'm not quite sure what a "public sector corporation" is; it's a long time since we had nationalised industries。


  But they tended to be utilities or near-utilities, and the fact is that we don't want a lot of creative people carrying out large-scale experiments on our drinking water: we want them to be safe. If you like taking risks, there are plenty of workplaces where this is regarded as appropriate. Move there。


  Anon, male


  It is deadening


  When I worked in the public sector I found it very trying. So often there is a deadening norm. Leave for the private sector, do some impressive things there, and then come back at director level。




  Culture clash


  It seems that your personality clashes with the workplace culture. If that's true, then the job is wrong for you, and you should move on。


  Attorney, male, 49


  "Yes, Minister"


  In the public sector benefits cannot be measured, and are certainly not rewarded. However, the slightest error can be career-ending. Accordingly, public sector officials who rise to the top are past masters at risk-avoidance。


  Study the Yes, Minister TV show. Can you see yourself morphing into Sir Humphrey, double-talking your way to the top, while navigating a web of shifting alliances to ensure you can never be subject to blame, yet always appear to your superiors as advancing their agenda?

  研究一下《是,大臣》(Yes, Minister)这部电视剧吧。看看你自己能否变成汉弗莱(Humphrey)爵士那样的人?能够利用花言巧语进入最高层,同时驾驭一个不断变化的同盟网络,以确保自己永远不可能成为被指责的对象,却总是让你的上司以为你在推进他们的议程。

  It takes a very special set of skills. Being "bold" is not one of them。


  Public servant, male


  Learn from mice


  Perhaps you should channel your battling energies into doing things well and understand better why most of us live in a mousy world and like it this way。





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