Today, many companies have dispensed with traditional human resources departments in favor of outside recruiters. It saves the companies beaucoup bucks—but it also means that you have a new set of barriers to deal with。如今,许多公司喜欢邀请外来招聘官来负责招聘,而不是公司里的人力资源部门。这样做对于公司来说,省了一大笔钱;而对于求职的你来说,门槛更高了。
Recruiters all look for different qualities in candidates, but while each recruiter has his own preferences, there are often similarities in what they don’t like. By avoiding these missteps, you can easily make yourself a much more attractive candidate. Here are five reasons a recruiter might pass you over for a different candidate:尽管职业招聘官们会全面考察应征者的各项条件,他们也会有自己的偏好,不过有一些特质是他们都不会喜欢的。如果在求职中,你能避免掉这些问题,那么在招聘官眼里,你就是一个受欢迎的应聘者了。以下五个原因会让你知道为什么你被招聘官淘汰了。
1. Not following instructions。不按照规矩办事
This means that if the job listing asks for a cover letter and you don’t include one, or if you don’t bother following other the instructions in the advertisement, you will look like an employee who can’t follow directions. Pay attention to detail, and recruiters will pay attention to you。如果应聘启事要求你附上一份求职信,而你却没有写,或者你对招聘广告中的其他要求也不屑一顾的话,那么你就会被视作是不按照规矩办事的员工。只有当你注意到细节的时候,招聘官才会注意到你。
2. Doing a subpar job at a company where the recruiter previously placed you。在招聘官之前为你谋职的公司里表现不佳
3. Lack of enthusiasm。缺乏热情
That means if you are interested in the job, act like it. Show some enthusiasm. Recruiters want to hire people who are excited about their work so that their client company will be excited about the candidate。如果你对某个工作感兴趣,那就表现出来,让别人看到你的热情。招聘官希望雇佣那些对于求职的工作热情满满的人,这样招聘官的雇主也会对你感到满意的。
On the other hand, if you’re not acting excited about the job because you’re not interested, tell the recruiter what you’re thinking. Don’t feign enthusiasm only to turn down the position when you’re offered it—keep the recruiter in the loop. If you waste the recruiter’s time, he might decide not to waste his time on you when the next opportunity comes up。从另一方面来看,如果你对某个工作表现得不热情是因为你不喜欢这个工作,那么就直接告诉招聘官。如果你浪费他们的时间,他们也不会浪费时间为你找下一个工作的机会。
5. Not treating the recruiter with respect。不尊重招聘官
Some job seekers don’t treat recruiters with the same respect they would give a potential employer. If you don’t treat the recruiter with the same consideration and respect you would a hiring manager, you might get passed over for the position。有些求职者把招聘官和未来雇主区别看待,轻视招聘官。如果你不把招聘官放在眼里,他们也不会把你放在候选人的名单里。
Remember: if you work with a good recruiter who likes you and is on your side, you have a better chance of getting the job you seek。记住:如果你跟招聘官在同一条战线上,那么你就会有更多的机会去找到好工作。
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