情人节不自拍 英国组织拟设“反自拍日”
A British organization is planning to set Valentine’s Day as “Anti-Selfie Day”, calling for face-to-face communication。
这个名为Loveflutter的英国组织,非常厌恶像金?卡戴珊(Kim Kardashian)、麦莉?赛勒斯(Miley Cyrus)这样整天在社交网站上发自拍照的巨星,认为这样的行为是极其肤浅而没有意义的,他们宣布将2015年的情人节定为“反自拍日”。
The British organization Loveflutter dislikes superstars, including Kim Kardashian and Miley Cyrus, who upload their selfies onto social websites all day long. This behavior is thought to be superficial and meaningless. They declared that Feb 14, 2015 should be “Anti-Selfie Day”。
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